how to stop the unwanted mail in gmail | how can i stop unwanted emails in gmail | how to avoid unwanted email in gmail

how can i stop getting unwanted emails or how do i get rid of unwanted junk email

Stay unwanted

Due to mail marketing on Gmail email and other similar features, there is a lot of difficulty in opening the required mail. In such a case, these e-mails can also be blocked easily.

Today, Gmail is the most popular email provider. Be it mailing college assignment or office presentation, most of us use Gmail. But just like on social media and other mediums, here you are troubled by unsolicited marketing mails or any unknown mails, you can block unsolicited e-mail here as on other platforms. For this, you have to follow some steps. Also, if you have blocked this email ID incorrectly, it can also be unlocked easily.

To block

To block e-mails on Gmail, you must first lock in the Gmail ID. After this, click on the mail of any person whose e-mails you want to lock. When opening an email, click on the downward arrow tab to the right, not just in front of the sender's name or email ID. After this, in the options you will get the option to block it, after clicking on it, you will not get an email from that email id.

To unblock

If you have blocked a wrong person in this way, you can also unblock him easily. For this, after logging in Gmail, at the top right and click on the option given. Then click on the options of the settings from the options found. Here you will see the Filter and Blocked Addresses tab in the top bar, click on it. After clicking on it, in the list that opens, you will see the list of block email address, of which you have to unblock, highlight the email address. After this the email address will be unblocked.

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